California Institute for Quantum Entanglement

2020 Annual Meeting

University of California, Berkeley, March 23-24, 2020

The California Institute for Quantum Entanglement is a University of California supported Institute that links the quantum science and technology groups at four University of California campuses: Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Santa Barbara.

The 2020 Annual Meeting will be held on the campus of UC Berkeley, March 23-24. A tentative agenda for the meeting is as follows:

  • Reports on scientific breakthroughs at the four participating campuses and on projects supported by CaIQuE

  • Experimental and tutorial presentations

  • Several “big topic, big vision” presentations to stimulate new ideas and collaborations

  • A poster session to exchange information and knowledge between participating groups

  • Tours of Berkeley laboratories

  • A match-making session to connect undergraduate and graduate students to research and research exchange opportunities within the Institute

  • Presentations by scientists working in industry

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update:

We have decided to postpone the CaIQuE meeting that we were hoping to host in Berkeley on March 23-24.  The main purpose of this meeting is to bring our team together for person-to-person interactions, with the goal of energizing research collaborations, sharing information, establishing personnel exchanges, and laying the groundwork for future joint ventures.  Unfortunately, this is an inopportune time for such interactions.  If we were to still go ahead and hold the meeting now, it seems certain that many people would choose not to attend.   With people being concerned about bringing illness not only to themselves, but potentially also to their family, friends, coworkers, and broader communities, it does not behoove us to request that people take on extra travel commitments.  We have not yet been advised by UC Berkeley or UCOP about holding meetings on campus; rather, this is a decision we are coming to by ourselves.

There are two activities that we had planned for the meeting and that I prefer not to delay.  The first is the effort to coordinate the joint research within CaIQuE.  We had scheduled this to take place through a series of provocative presentations, followed by a breakout discussion, and then reconvening to go over and integrate plans.  This interaction was planned to take place from 1:30 – 3:45 on Tuesday, March 24.  I will try to arrange for a virtual meeting using Zoom to take place during that time.  So please set this time aside in your schedule.

 The second is the setting up of research exchanges (I like to call them “exchange interactions”).  To reiterate, CaIQuE has money set aside for undergraduate summer-time REU-like research positions where students engage in research outside their home institution.  We also have money set aside to allow graduate students and postdocs to spend 1-2 weeks on a research exchange visit to a CaIQuE group.  I would encourage all the students and postdocs in your groups to consider using this exchange mechanism.  To do so, reach out to some of the groups you are interested in and try to identify a match and a specific activity to pursue during the exchange.  To focus your discussion, you might use the exchange forms that we placed on the meeting website and had intended to hand out in person.  See here:  Once you’ve filled out the form, bring it to one of the CaIQuE PIs, and we’ll take it from there.

 If any of you have incurred costs already in arranging travel to the meeting, please be assured that those will be covered by CaIQuE funds.  Please contact one of your local CaIQuE PIs to start arranging reimbursement.

Confirmed Speakers:

David Weld (UCSB)

Paul Hamilton (UCLA)

Hartmut Haffner (UCB)

Joel Moore (UCB)

Tarun Grover (UCSD)

Eric Hudson (UCLA)

Congjun Wu (UCSD)

Ehud Altman (UCB)

Martin Weitz (University of Bonn)

Holger Mueller (UCB)

Markus Schmitt (UCB)

Andrew Jayich (UCSB)

Richard Parker (AOSense)

Jamil Abo-Shaeer (Vector Atomic)