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AMOQI seminar: Shuo Sun (Stanford)

Quantum nanophotonics: engineering atom-photon interactions on a chip

The ability to engineer controllable atom-photon interactions is critical for quantum information processing and quantum networking. In this talk, I will introduce how we utilize a nanophotonic platform to engineer strong atom-photon interactions on a semiconductor chip. I will first discuss an experimental demonstration of a spin-photon quantum transistor, where a single solid-state spin trapped inside a quantum dot could switch a single photon, and vice versa, a single photon could flip the spin. I will then discuss how the spin-photon quantum transistor can realize an all-optical single-photon transistor, where a single gate photon can deterministically switch multiple signal photons on-a-chip. I will next discuss the promise of realizing photon-mediated many-body interactions in an alternative solid-state platform based on silicon-vacancy (SiV) color centers in diamond. I will introduce our efforts in creating strong light-matter interactions through photonic crystal cavities fabricated in diamond, and the use of cavity-stimulated Raman emission to overcome the remaining frequency inhomogeneity of SiV centers. Finally, I will outline the exciting prospects of realizing controllable atom-atom interactions on-a-chip by bridging inverse design and quantum nanophotonics.